Toot Toot to Singin’ Salzburg

So, if you’re filthy rich in the 1800’s, rule over half of Europe, and wish to travel through the peasant’s fields to show them how great you are, what would be the most fitting way? By using the latest and greatest technology, of course! The train. The Hapsburg’s took to train travel like @realDonaldTrump to Twitter! But not without help. No one in Austria knew anything about trains engines, so they contracted the maintenance and operation out to Englishmen, who promptly stayed for good in Austria! It would seem most of them just need an excuse to leave!
The steam trains are gone, and the carriages are faithful reproductions of the originals, but the Majestic Imperator still rolls through the Austrian fields, now carrying well heeled Aussie retirees (and a few thrifty wannabes like us!) who still revel in having the peasants glance up at them from their Beemers and Mercs whipping past on the Autobahn. “Carry on, Fritz!”
The destination was Salzburg, once the royal city of it’s own priestly kingdom, but since 1805, part of Austria. There is a fortress built in 1077, a host of impressive cathedrals, and blah blah blah… There are only two things that everyone coming by fancy carriage wants to discover in Salzburg: music and music!
Mozart was born here, and Julie Andrews sung here. I’m a little more partial to the significance of the former, but found myself significantly outnumbered by the 60+ crowd. They knew all the words to all the Sound of Music songs, and belted them out with gusto when given half a chance… Wendy included!

Much more to my liking were the three performers known as The Sound of Austria, who joined us on the train, with arias from Mozart’s The Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro. Their encore song was Eidelweisse. Happy retirees, happy Harley and fellow youngsters!!!

 Salzburg was very cold, and after enduring the inadequate tour guide’s grasp of English, we settled on a bratwurst in a roll for lunch and a poke around the oldest part of the city. Pastries and chocolate. Smiles all round!
 The ship had been repositioning up river at Passau in Germany. This is where our Majestic Imperator glided to a stop. Now, just remember: don’t mention the war!!

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